Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Nathan's Teaching Gig

Today, I officially learned that I will be teaching part-time at Southeastern next year. I will continue as the seminary's full-time associate archivist, but I will be teaching Baptist History at our undergraduate college in the fall and, assuming I get good reviews from students, either Baptist History or Church History II in the spring 2007. This is great news because it means I will have some teaching experience before I graduate, it will look good on my resume when the time comes to look for a full-time faculty job, and it will be extra income after the baby comes. I do not know what my official title will be yet, but it will likely be something like Adjunctive Instructor of Church History, which in scholar-ese means "part-time, still a Ph.D. student teacher of Church History." I can't wait.


Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news, Nathan! We know you'll be a great Adjunctive Instructor of Church History. :)

Alex F said...

"Adjunctive" sounds like an adjective you don't want to hear at the dentist... as in "we've got a couple of adjunctive molars here..."