Friday, June 16, 2006


Please forgive the "long time between posts". Life has been busy for us, with a couple of trips out of town for fun and a couple of trips out of town for work (Nathan). In case any one is wondering, we have survived the torrential downpours of Tropical Storm Alberto. The storm dropped quite a bit of rain in our area on Wednesday, leading to some flooding in parts of campus and across the Wake County area. Thankfully, our home and workplace both sit on higher ground (higher is, of course, relative), so nothing of ours was damaged in any way.

Baby Georgia continues to grow and develop and is learning to express herself quite well! Though I am not certain of a distinct pattern, I can tell when she is "awake and active" and when she is resting. Her Kung-Fu fighting does appear to kick it up a notch whenever I have caffeine and/or sugar in high doses. I am wearing maternity clothes all the time now, just about, and for the first time this week had a COMPLETE STRANGER ask me when I was due! That was a huge milestone--it means I am really showing/looking pregnant. If possible, we will try to accommodate certain wishes to see my pregnant belly with a couple of pictures in the near future.

Anyway, we just wanted to say hello! There is another doctor's appointment this week, so hopefully more after that. Hugs and kisses to all.

1 comment:

Erin (moviemuse) said...

So happy to hear all is going well! Love and hugs to all.