Monday, June 19, 2006

More Pictures...

Introducing our new "SWEET" vehicle--a gold 2006 Pontiac Montana SV-6 mini-van! We have had our little cars (Neon and Corolla) for six and ten years respectively, and felt like it was time for an upgrade. I love the space for a growing family, and Nathan loves the fact that it feels like he is driving a truck and not a mini-van. Feel free to admire:-)

And, at long last, a few "belly pictures" for those who are just dying to know what I look like. This is me at 23+ weeks pregnant. Enjoy! (and don't you like the van in the background of the first two? That was deliberate)


Erin (moviemuse) said...

Spiffy! New wheels are fun, aren't they? And you look so cute with a belly, LOL. Not something easy to imagine on you, so the pictures are most helpful.

Alex & Laura Beth said...

Leah - You are adorable! I like the "with child" look!