Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Nathan left at a very early hour this morning to fly to Nova Scotia, Canada, for an historical conference. He has the honor of reading a paper on William Carey for the conference on Friday, so please be keeping him in your prayers. He is traveling with his major professor, Dr. Keith Harper, who is also reading a paper at the conference. They will return mid evening on Friday.

Saturday morning, Nathan and I will be leaving for our "BIG TRIP" to the wonderful state of Georgia. In the past, we have tried to take a week long trip to GA twice a year-once in the summer and once around the Christmas holidays. We did not make a summer trip last year (that I can remember:-), and this will be the first time to see some of our family members since we learned I was pregnant. We will start off the trip in Waycross, Georgia, where Nathan's family lives. Nathan will be preaching at his home church, Central Baptist, this Sunday, which he is very excited about. About the middle of next week we will travel to Conyers to see my family. It will be a long, but fun trip (though I am not sure why we are traveling to HOT south Georgia when I am 27+ weeks pregnant...), and the last big trip we will make before our little Georgia makes her appearance! We appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we travel.

In other fun news, I spent a wonderful day yesterday with my friend Amy. She drove down from Virginia and we spent the morning at Babies R Us completing (hopefully) my registry. Later we picked up her mom at the RDU airport, and had lunch at Foster's Market in Durham--wonderful, fun place to eat. I am extremely grateful for Amy's wise advice on baby "stuff"--the enormity of items that you "have to have" for a baby is enough to drive a person insane! I think I am set now...or at least I have a wish list now!

I don't know that we will have much time or take much time to post on the blog while we are in Georgia, but we will look forward to sharing the details of our trip when we return. God bless!

1 comment:

Erin (moviemuse) said...

Let me know if we can get together while you are here! I can come to you. Let's do lunch or something. You can meet Luke! Just let me know!