Wednesday, March 21, 2007

5 months

Georgia Elisabeth Finn is five months old today. She is growing and changing almost every second it seems. Even now, as she sits in my lap, she is leaning forward trying to touch the keyboard that Mommy is playing with. At five months old, Georgia is extremely curious and observant. She loves to look around and watch things--she cannot stand not being a part of the action. Though she has not rolled over yet, and cannot sit up on her own, she holds herself up very well and loves to 'sit like a big girl'--i.e. sitting up straight with my hand or Nathan's hand supporting her stomach. If she is 'reclining' for too long, she pulls herself forward to see what is going on--however, she cannot stop herself from moving forward (see pictures below). Georgia sleeps through the night more often than not, and nurses 5-6 times a day. She is truly a joy to be around; she willingly goes with her parents to various events (like the hymn sing at SEBTS last night, which was wonderful), and meets new people without melting down. Nathan and I are truly thankful to the Lord for not just sending us any baby, but for blessing our lives with the unique person of Georgia Finn.

Georgia loves to play on this big, cushy chair

This is Georgia sitting up like a big girl

And there she goes...

Face plant! Don't worry, grandparents, I am watching her!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

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