Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Independence Day!

The Finns hope that everyone had a wonderful 4th of July spending time with their family and friends (or celebrating their anniversary, like one couple I know:-)!

As Georgia continues to try to learn to crawl, taking good pictures is getting harder...she keeps wanting to get to my camera, as evidenced above...

"Look, Mom, I'm almost there! "

"Enough with the pictures, Mom! "

P.S.--Thanks, Auntie 'Chelle, for the adorable red, white and blue sundress!


Erin (moviemuse) said...

Not sure Piccadilly for lunch with a grumpy 2-year-old who had a sinus infection counts as much of an anniversary dinner, but it was a nice quiet day nonetheless, thank you. And there is just too much American baby cuteness going on in these pictures!! That last one is too funny! LOL

Lindsey said...

again.. cutest baby in the world. i love that it took her this long to get tired of the camera :) she is such a little ham when that camera comes out!!