Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Georgia at 12 months

Georgia's 12 month appointment was only October 31, so I am not too far behind in getting this information to you! Here are the latest stats:
Height/Length: 31.5 inches (97th percentile)
Weight: 21 lbs., 9 oz. (60th percentile)
Head Circumference: 46.5 cm (80th percentile)

As you can see, she continues to be very healthy! When she went to the doctor last month for a cold, her weight was supposedly 21 lbs. 10 oz., and when I mentioned it to the doctor this month, she said they must have weighed her with her clothes/diaper on. I don't remember, so I wil just go by what we know-Georgia is tall for her age, yet still a little roly poly in places.

In other milestones, she is really walking now! From what I understand, many babies may take a few steps, but then take a long time to 'really walk.' Georgia is not one of those babies. She decided on her own that she wanted to take steps (without any encouragement from Mama or Daddy), and each day she has added to her ability. Monday night she managed a great feat for someone her age--walking around with one shoe on and one shoe off! I can't even do that well! Georgia loves to walk around; in fact, pacing the bottom floor of the apartment is one of her favorite pasttimes. Of course, she is adorable as she does it.

In the past month, Georgia came down with her highest fever ever, over 103 degrees. It was very scary--she had had fevers before, but they had not bothered her much. This fever was terrible, and it worried me and Nathan. We were able to keep it down, and it went away overnight. The doctor said it 'couldn't be related to her teeth', but I don't know about that, because...

Georgia's two top teeth are finally coming through! These two have been a bear, and from what I understand, it will only get worse. This morning, for the first time in days, Georgia woke up happy and cheerful, and has been in a terrific mood all day (as opposed to the fussy and clingy baby she has been in the past two+ weeks). Hallelujah-maybe we are on the downside of at least these teeth.

One last milestone to comment on: Georgia wore a hairbow in her hair on Sunday for several hours! Now, she has worn them before, but since she reached the stage where she was ripping them and trying to eat them, we haven't used them much. However, she is now old enough that I can tell her no when she takes them out. Sunday morning, after my telling her "no" several times, she left the hairbow in. And what a gorgeous little girl was she! The pictures below are of Georgia in her Sunday best, age 12 1/2 months old.

The bow is out of the hair, but she gave it back to me to put it back in:-)

What a sweet smile!

Concentrating on her walking

This is Georgia talking--notice how much her hair has grown since I had it cut a month ago!

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