Thursday, December 06, 2007


My good friend Miranda recently tagged me on her blog, so I decided to respond. Few people will want to read about me (and some won't be interested without cute pictures), so I am doing two lists:
7 cute things Georgia does and 7 interesting/strange/weird facts about me.

Seven cute things Georgia does:
1. Georgia loves little boys, especially those between ages 2-6. Little girls are mildly interesting to her, but she LOVES boys. They make her grin and giggle non-stop!
2. Georgia's favorite music are the soundtracks to Hairspray and High School Musical. With apologies to Josh L., Drew W. and all of the Aucoin boys, I guess you could say Zac Ephron is her first crush (he appears on both albums).
3. Georgia is a pack rat--she loves to hide things away in 'secret' locations. We never know what we will find stuffed in Nathan's shoes, my purse, and the random empty box she plays with:-)
4. Georgia has taken to walking up to me or Nathan and hugging our legs. We love it!
5. Every morning, we bring Georgia to our bed for a few minutes. I sleep with a mouthpiece and take it out when I get up. A few days ago, Georgia grabbed my empty mouthpiece container, opened it, and mimed pulling something out of it and putting it in her mouth!
6. Georgia loves sitting on the couch like a big girl. Recently she and I were sitting side by side, and she looped her arm through my arm and leaned her head over to give me love.
7. Georgia likes to be chased, especially up the stairs. Sometimes she will instigate the chasing, looking at us and grinning like "come and get me!" When we start after her, stomping or saying "here we come...we're going to get you" she giggles as she takes off. Oh the fun games!

Seven interesting/strange/weird things about me:
1. My pillowcase has to be turned a certain way (the opening toward the edge of the bed) before I can go to sleep. If the pillow is turned, I have to flip it before I can sleep.
2. I can cross my little toes. It is how my feet are most comfortable sometimes.
3. I love to bake cookies. My favorite cookies are Snickerdoodles, and I think it is annoying when people refer to them as "sugar cookies with cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on them." That is NOT what they are!
4. As the oldest child, I frequently was (accused of being) a tattle-tale or a fink on my siblings. Apparently, even though we are all "adults" now, I can still accidentally rat my siblings out (we just refer to it at "SkydiveGate").
5. I am obsessed with the Today Show. I watch it every morning while I feed Georgia. One week in October when I was working two conferences back to back I missed the Today Show three mornings that week. I felt like a junkie going into withdrawal. I get all of my news and important information from the show! I love Matt and Meredith! I voted for The Today Show Throws a Wedding! Hello, my name is Leah, and I am an addict.
6. I am a picky eater. I don't like any condiments (ketchup, mustard or mayonnaise), seafood, milk, mushrooms, raw onions, olives, peppers, cauliflower, summer squash and many other things. I do LOVE cheese and yogurt, so my dairy intake is okay!
7. I am currently searching for the perfect purse/bag. Once upon a time, finding a cute purse was not an issue: Oh, that's a cute purse, let's buy it! Now, I have to find a bag that can fit my supercool new purse organizer(heard about it on the Today Show:-), my wallet, a notebook for any last minute notes, my camera for cute picture moments, as well as a diaper and some wipes so I don't always have to carry a diaper bag now that G is 1 year old! I have already purchased and returned two purses because they didn't work. The pickiness continues:-)

My tag-ettes:
1. Emily W.
2. Lindsey I.
3. Karen L.
Ladies, feel free to adapt the "7 interesting things about you" tag to fit your needs:-)

Postscript: My apologies to my friends Jeni and Shannon who have tagged me previously and I never go around to responding. Please forgive me!

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