Friday, May 09, 2008

Georgia at 18+ months

Because this is a picture heavy post, I will quickly post some stats/info and then let the pictures roll:
Height/Length: 32 inches (50 percentile*)
Weight: 25 lbs., 9 oz. (70 percentile)
Head Circumference: 48 cm (85 percentile)

*Note: the doctor's office said her height was 50%, but she seems tall to us. In checking online, most sites consider 32" to be 70%.

Georgia went to the doctor this week for her 18 month checkup, the last one until 2 years old! Yippee! She doesn't like the doctor's office much, but who can blame her? She "passed" her developmental skills with flying colors, and overall is a very healthy little girl.

New things for Miss G: her vocabulary is greatly expanding. Last Friday, she sneezed and then said "Bless you." TOO CUTE! Today, unprompted, she told her daddy "I love you," which sounds more like I y-wuv-a oo, but who cares! She calls her purse the "bye-bye", and can say "please" and "Thank you" on occasion. She walks up and down the stairs now with Mommy or Daddy's help, and is just getting more confident every day. Enjoy the pictures below, which are of Georgia at 18-18.5 months!

Georgia and her best friend, Josh, playing "nicely"

Or not so nicely:-)

This is Georgia playing peek-a-boo!

Cuteness at Meet in the Street

Saying "hi" to baby Elizabeth

Georgia just being cute--taken yesterday, May 8

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