Saturday, May 24, 2008

Georgia at 19 months

Because Georgia went to the doctor for her 18 month appointment when she was 18 1/2 months, it seems like I just posted an update on her life. I don't have any statistics for you, just some fun facts about Georgia's life right now.
Favorite movie: Mary Poppins--she would watch this all day every day if I let her. I am trying to limit it to about 3 times a week (and she only watches portions at a time)
Favorite food: this changes regularly because she is VERY FINICKY right now! However, she always asks for 'pih-shoo', which are pretzels. Those are special treats that she might get once a day.
Favorite book: during the day she likes to read one of the My First Little House books that we checked out for the library--she asks for 'Lwahw-ra'. At night, she likes Pajama Time (Sandra Boynton) or We're Going on a Bearhunt.
Favorite animal: 'neigh-neighs', or horses :-) She loves the part in Mary Poppins where they ride the merry-go-round.
Favorite words: whatever words for the favorites above--'poppins' for the movie, 'pih-shoo' for the food, 'Lwahw-ra' for the book. Other fun new words include sit, up, downstairs, outside, and icky (my favorite!).
Worst moment: yesterday we went to the school to pick up Nathan, and there was a fly in the van. I did not realize this, but apparently it started buzzing around Georgia, and she freaked out. Out of nowhere, she screamed bloody murder, and I almost drove off the road. The fly didn't hurt her, of course, but she was terrified for the rest of the short trip in the van, and it took a LONG time to calm her down. Craziness!
Latest fashion accessory: hats! She loves wearing her hats, or putting on her daddy's hats--see pics below for evidence.

Earlier this week, we had an amazing storm come through. I took these pictures just looking in different directions from our front porch. I loved watching the storm roll in, but Georgia wanted to play in it, so we came inside:-)

Yesterday was graduation day at SEBTS. Several of our close friends graduated, including Melissa Parnell (Bachelors), Mikal Rhino (MDiv) and Matt Lytle (PHD). Congratulations to all of them! We are so proud of you, and are excited to see what the Lord has in store for your future! To help out several of our friends, I kept three kids during the seminary graduation. Below are pictures of our fun:-) (can you spot the boy under the table? I am not sure what they were all doing!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Georgia has great taste in movies. Mary Poppins is one of my absolute favorites, too! I have watched it so many times that my dear husband begs not to see it again. :)