Sunday, May 18, 2008

"Oh-oh, Halfway There..."

"Oh-oh, Livin' on a Prayer..." :-)

It is official--I am 21 weeks into my pregnancy, so I am halfway there! I have frequently joked that since Georgia was more than a week late, I would not consider myself to be 'halfway' through the pregnancy until I was 21 weeks instead of 20. So I am now 21 weeks, and NOW halfway there! Things are going well with the pregnancy. My last doctor's appointment went well--Georgia went with me, and we were in and out of the office in no time. I have gained 7-10 pounds in the first half of this pregnancy, which is perfectly normal, and almost exactly what I gained with Georgia. I have been measuring small for the past couple of doctor's appointments, which would be a concern except that I had a great ultrasound where everything checked out and looks good. Dr. Holton (whom I LOVE!) said simply that it could be a variety of things: I have a long torso for the baby to 'hide' in; the second baby frequently sits lower; or I could have a small baby (though Baxter measured right on track at the ultrasound). No worries, which is great!

Nathan is wrapping up the end of the semester and we are so excited for the summer to be here! He will be very busy for most of the summer (traveling to the SBC, teaching a summer class), but is looking forward to the few weeks he will have to concentrate on classes and notes. This will be his first summer to be fully concentrating on classes, and that is a huge blessing!

Now onto the good stuff--pictures from the past week!

Mother's Day --Georgia refused to look at the camera

Georgia and I had a picnic on campus with friends this week, and she decided that it was more fun to push the stroller than to ride in it! See below for her fun!

Georgia loved holding baby Karissa--in this picture she was pointing to Karissa's ear ("Ear!" she says)

She showered the baby with kisses!

Not a great picture of Georgia, but a cute shot of the newborn Karissa (one of the twins born to my dear friend Karen)


jeni said...

You're HALFWAY there?? Didn't you just find out yesterday that you were expecting? Just be sure to call me tomorrow as soon as Baxter arrives. :) Sigh.

Curt, Mariah, & Carli Badura said...

I saw your post on Prayer of Hannah and decided to check out your blog. (Isn't Prayer of Hannah a great blog? I love it!) Anyway, I enjoyed your blog too. How old is Georgia? Check out our blog if you have time. Our little girl, Carli is 19 months and I am 12 weeks pregnant. Are you more tired this pregnancy?


Curt, Mariah, & Carli Badura said...


Will you send me your email address?


Anonymous said...

She's growing up so fast. I remember when you were pregnant with her. It looks like she's ready to be a big sister. Praise God, Leah!
