Friday, May 30, 2008

Small breakthroughs

I have mentioned this in passing on the blog recently, but we have been struggling with Georgia's finicky eating over the past couple of weeks. It has been a regular matter of frustration--and prayer! Tonight, though, we had a brief, and possibly temporary, breakthrough: Georgia ate baked ziti on her own! Two weeks ago I had to sit at the table with her for an hour before she ate it (I asked her to eat two bites of ziti and two bites of applesauce; she turned her nose up at both, though applesauce is on her top 5 list normally). Tonight, it was no big deal. Praise the Lord! I realize she may change again tomorrow, but tonight felt like a triumph. In other "Georgia is growing up news", we took down her crib mobile tonight (I know, she's way too old now:-). This morning, she woke up early and decided to demolish it--she didn't break it, but she did pull off every flower, the music box and something else, I think. We decided it needed to go! Our goal is to start transitioning her to a big girl bed this summer, so the mobile is the first step. So, for all my reader friends--any advice about moving to a bed from a crib? I'd love to hear it!


Shannon Bradley said...

No advice about crib transition BUT Luke destroyed his mobile when he was about 9 MONTHS ahahaha. As soon as he could stand, he ripped that thing down and the rest is history. Boys....

The Baker Family said...

Yeah, Brad destroyed his. I didn't even bother putting it up for Anne!

Re the bed thing--we talked it up for a week and then stuck him in it and he was fine--he was excited about it. The first week was great, but then the second week he realized he could get out all by himself so we had some training to do. :)

Erica said...

We had great luck with the boys in their beds...we put the top bunk on the floor with the rails, and since it had a small opening, they always waited for us to come get them!! I don't know how they didn't just climb over the sides... Now Orli was a different story--many many difficult nights, but she was in the room with her two big bros, and she and Elliot get each other laughing and being silly out of bed. Devote yourself to sitting outside the door and teaching/disciplining quickly, at the first sign of getting out. :) Good luck!