Saturday, June 14, 2008

"Boringly Healthy"--or, Leah's pregnancy at 24 weeks

I had my 24 week doctor's appointment this week (I am a little behind with those, because I am actually 25 weeks now, but that's beside the point), and here is the gem I learned from my doctor:

I am "Boringly Healthy".

As in, my weight gain is fine, my blood pressure is great (90-something over 58, which is standard for me), I am measuring on track, and Baxter's 148 bpm heartrate is great. All of which translates into boring, boring, boring. I wish the boring-ness would translate into my going to the doctor LESS often, but instead I am fast approaching the 'going to the doctor more often' phase. With Georgia, I looked forward to my doctor's appointments. With this pregnancy, everything is normal and boring, and they are just an inconvenience at times. Oh to skip ahead! Actually, I don't want to skip ahead yet---I just want to skip the appointments:-)

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