Tuesday, July 29, 2008

First night in the big girl bed!

Last night, Georgia slept in her big girl bed for the first time. Nathan and I had been giving her a countdown ("three more nights," etc), so she knew it was coming. And......

She did GREAT!!!

When we put her in the bed, she laid down immediately, and did not appear ready to jump up and play on the bed. Georgia talked for a long time last night, but she has been doing that for a couple of weeks, so that was not surprising. There were no accidents or strange noises, and she slept until just before 7 this morning. When Nathan went in to get her this morning, Georgia had pulled a little Disney princess blanket off the end of her bed and was just laying there quietly talking to the princesses. Too cute! Later, after some cuddle time and praise for being "Such a big girl" from her parents, she walked by her room, pointed at the bed and called it the "big girl night-night".

I wanted to capture her last nap in her crib, so here are those pictures--look how big she is in the crib! I think it was time....

PS-I will post pictures of her big girl room very soon, but we are still looking for a small dresser/chest of drawers to use for her clothes. If anyone has one just sitting around their house, let me know!


Mrs. Sprinkles said...

Congratulations! I remember Brad doing well until he figured out that he could get out of bed--then the training began...!

Anonymous said...

That's great. Matt is going to get Zianna's bed right now. I can't wait to see her face tonight when she gets to sleep in her NEW BED! It's ALWAYS an exciting time. LOL
