Friday, July 25, 2008

Georgia's new night-night

In preparation for the arrival of Baxter, Georgia has a new 'night-night'--also known as a big girl bed for her to sleep on! We put the bed up Thursday, and the mattress was delivered today. Nathan and I are going to talk it up for a couple more nights and then make the switch. An extra incentive in doing this is that our crib has been recalled, so we need to disassemble it soon to be able to purchase a new one for Baxter. Georgia thinks the bed is a lot of fun, but we will have to wait to see if she sleeps in it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Leah :) I wanted to share an idea that Sonya did with her kiddos when they transitioned to the Big Bed :) She would have them take their naps in the big bed during the day for about a week and a half to get used to it and then she would get them to stay in it for a night. Kieran had a great imagination that she got him to have a "Slumber Party" with his animals in the bed and after that he slept there with no problems. Just a thought :) Talk to you later. ~Anita