Tuesday, July 22, 2008

We have returned!

The Finn family has returned from Georgia, and yes, we are alive and well. I know I haven't posted in awhile, but chalk that up to being away for over a week and having to catch up on housework, groceries, etc. when we returned. Nathan, Georgia and I enjoyed ourselves greatly during our trip, and are so thankful for the wonderful families the Lord has blessed us with! Georgia got sick halfway through the trip, which made the latter part of the trip (the one at my side of the family) more taxing than it should have been. However, she seems to be recovered and back to her old self again. I will post a few pics from the trip soon--I didn't take tons of pictures this time--but I will leave you with a cute Georgia story:

Yesterday, I went to get Georgia up from her nap. When I walked into her room, she was sitting up in her crib with her blanket bunched around her but not over her. She said something very quietly to me, like she was whispering a secret. I couldn't understand her, so I walked closer and asked her to repeat it. I had to ask a couple of times, but I finally caught it--she was patting the blanket softly and saying "Baby sleeping, baby sleeping". She had put her baby under the blanket and was patting the baby to sleep. It was the most precious thing ever!

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