Saturday, August 02, 2008

Fun summer times

Nathan and I bought Georgia an inflatable pool over a month ago, but kept delaying putting it up. We finally did inflate it and fill it with water, and it provides endless fun for Georgia (and others who get in the pool as well). This past week, Josh came to visit, and what better play time could there be than pool time with a friend?

Sorry, Karen, I thought it was too cute to resist taking a picture!

Later that same day...

Georgia decided she wanted some peanut butter. Hearing my little girl say "Peanut butter" will just melt your heart. And if you are made of stone, and that doesn't melt your heart, the pictures below will:

Methinks she likes her peanut butter!


Anonymous said...

That's my favorite way to eat peanut-butter too! Georgia is beautiful as always.

Cindy Lou said...

Ahhhh. A peanut butter spoon snack. I have great memories of my mom giving me that. Glad to see I'm not the only one who likes my protein sans ritz cracker. She makes it look yummy-- that's for sure!