Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My new favorite recipe

I have many friends who regularly post recipes on their blogs, and to them I am grateful. I love finding new recipes and getting new ideas for things. I generally don't post recipes--people are much more interested in seeing pictures of Georgia! However, I have found a new favorite recipe (thanks, Laura M!), and I just had to share.

Oatmeal Balls
This ingredient list is officially for a double-batch, because a 'regular batch' just doesn't make enough for this pregnant lady

1 1/2 cups dry powdered milk
1 1/2 cups whole oats
2/3 cup honey
1 cup peanut butter (by Laura's recommendation, I use Skippy Natural)
1/2 cup (approx.) wheat germ
1/2 cup (approx.) sunflower seeds

Mix ingredients together, roll into small balls and refrigerate.

The great thing about this recipe is that you can change it every time you make it! The first four ingredients are the 'basics', while the wheat germ and sunflower seeds are 'extra'. Other ideas for add-ins:
*cocoa powder
*flax seed
*dried fruit
*mini-chocolate chips (okay, this might defeat the healthiness of the snack, but it would be yummy)

This are so yummy, and they are the perfect snack for me right now. Nathan and Georgia love them as well, so I think we will be keeping these in the refrigerator for the foreseeable future!


jeni said...

Yum! I'll definitely be making these soon ...

Anonymous said...

Hey! Thanks for the offer of a ride, however, I made plans at the ice cream social to ride with Astasha. Therefore, I will see you there! I appreciate your thoughtfulness though. I also appreciate that recipe and just might try to make some soon- they sound yummy!!!