Friday, October 24, 2008

Hawking my wares

A crafty friend of mine, Lindsey, is graciously allowing me to share her table at the upcoming SEBTS Craft and Bake Sale on November 1. I had originally planned to have my own table with another friend, but things fell through, and with Baxter's arrival, I didn't think I could complete enough projects to make it worthwhile. Sharing space with Lindsey will help us both--we are both "sew-ers" who can make things to order, but don't necessarily have a lot of products already made. Lindsey is a monogrammer as well (I am not), and you should really check out her work! I especially like her bridesmaid dress quilt.

Anyway, this post is to let you know that I will be at the Craft and Bake Sale, selling nursing covers and travel diaper cases, and you should stop by! You don't have to buy anything, but please come by! It is being held next Saturday, November 1, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Ledford Center Gym on SEBTS' campus. Also, I need some help--I love my travel diaper/wipe clutch, but I don't know exactly what to call it. I change the name every time. Any suggestions? Here are a couple of pictures to refresh your memory:


Lindsey said...

so glad you will be joining me!!

Kimberly said...

One person I know calls them, "grab n' go"s if that helps at all.

jeni said...

To combine Kimberly's idea and your current name -- call them a Grab 'n Go Diaper Clutch. Then you can shorten it either way -- Grab 'n Go or Diaper clutch.

If you want to change it up a bit, another idea would be On-the-Go Diaper Clutch, with the same nick name possibilities.