Thursday, October 09, 2008

Ten Days

Baxter has been in our lives for just over ten days, and we know that life will never be the same! He is still a sweet, cuddly baby who LOVES to eat and sleep--though his sleeping habits leave room for improvement:-) Here are some pictures of the past ten days.

Going home from the hospital

Baxter brought Georgia a gift--a Disney princess umbrella!

Brother and sister cuddles!

Grandma and Baxter

More brother and sister cuddles:-)

The first 'spraying'--thankfully it hit Baxter and not me!

Cuteness personified

Baxter and Papa

Advice sought: for those of you with more than one child, how do you 'entertain' your oldest child while feeding your infant? I am nursing Baxter, and for the past several days entertaining Georgia has not been a problem because family has been around and Nathan is at home. Next week, however, we are 'going it alone', and I am not sure how I will keep G busy multiple times a day! Thanks for any input:-)


Mrs. Sprinkles said...

Brad loved trains and puzzles. He'd play on the floor while I fed Anne. In a worst case scenario, I'd put SchoolHouse Rock on.

Ginger DeBusk said...

Congrats on your new little one he is precious. I used to keep a special basket of toys/books just for times when I was nursing. Sometimes I would also buckle the boys into their booster seat at the table with a snack if it was a good time. I think it's one of the hardest things to manage when you have two little ones but they eventually get the idea.
Ginger DeBusk

Unknown said...

ah, he is so sweet leah! in the pictures of him coming home, is that the outfit we got him?? if so, we intented that nathan wear his semi-cool hawaiian shirt:) you look great, by the way!

Anonymous said...

Leah, he is gorgeous!!!!!

Emily Wallace said...

Love the pictures. He is so handsome!

Of course, I do not have two children yet, but I have already asked some of my friends what they have done. They said that you really have to plan your day out in advance for your little one. Activities like coloring, watching educational dvds...basically they said they tried to do a preschool curriculum at their house to keep their little ones busy. I guess this involves getting Georgia situated while Baxter has to wait a minute or so till he gets feed.

Let me know what works for you for I will be in your boat soon!

Sperdutofamily said...

Hey, this might sound bad, but at least for those first few weeks--God bless tv! If he's not easily distracted, I've let Lydia climb into my lap and sit with us while I nurse (come to think of it though, my lap might be bigger than yours!) If she likes to play with babydolls, have her get her baby and feed it while you're feeding. I hope these help. I'll try to think of other things I have done. But I suppose all of these allow her to be in the room, I wouldn't know what to do if you don't want her in the room while you're nursing.

Kathleen said...

I can't believe it's been 10 days----I'm terrible! Please forgive me as life swirls around me and you have this amazing new life in your house!!! HOW PRECIOUS he is!---OK, well, it's been awhile since I had to entertain a toddler while I was nursing, but I used to try to read to Caitlin while I nursed Hannah. For awhile I remember nursing in Caitlin's room while she played with her toys--- When things got really bad, I pulled out a Disney Princess movie---that always "soothed" the savage beast. I can't wait to see him!!!

Pam said...


First of all, Congratulations!!! He is beautiful! I found your blog through Leah Thomas' and we were so excited to see that Baxter has arrived. When we had Zachary, I would "entertain" Katelyn while nursing by reading books to her. She would sit by me on the couch or next to me at my feet on the floor and flip the pages as I read. I also like many have already mentioned used her favorite movies during that time just so I could get things established myself. It works wonders in the beginning and then she got used to the fact that Mommy had to stop and go feed so she needed to entertain herself!
Again, Congrats!! He is precious!

Anonymous said...

Ok, most of my ideas have already been given, but entertaining one while nursing the other does get easier with time. If and when you have a third, the older two entertain one another. Then, you just have to deal with squabbles!
Anyway, I have found it best to let them "read" on their own or to put the book on your lap or couch, while they stand beside you on the floor. My Cora can be dangerous up on the courch with Lottie and me. Mae totally got into nursing her baby dolls. Educational DVDs are a gift from God in the first few weeks. I totally had to break my rule of one a day until Cora got used to me spending so much time with Lottie. It only took a few weeks, and I'm sure that it's already getting better for Georgia.