Thursday, January 29, 2009

Baxter at 4 months

So our little man is now four months old! That is so hard to believe (I say that every time, but it is still true). Baxter had his 4 month check up Wednesday and he was a trooper. No problems at all, and though he did cry when he got his shots, he took the first one "like a man" and only screamed after the second:-)

Here are my football player's statistics:
Weight: 17 lbs., 14 oz (95%)
Height/Length: 26 3/4 in. (96%)
Head Circumference: 42.8 cm (70%)

Milestones--he is not rolling over, but he is grasping objects (and putting them into his mouth). Baxter turns his head to see people who are talking to him, and he responds with coos, gurgles and giggles. Though we don't do tummy time much, he lifts his head off the floor easily. Oh yeah, and have I mentioned that he is sleeping through the night now? We occasionally have a one night set back, but he is going to bed earlier and sleeping through the night. God be praised!

How about a quick comparison? This is Baxter at 4 months:

This is Georgia at 4 months. They are definitely siblings:-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your four-month-old has got three pounds on my seven-month-old! Lottie is little like Cora, but she looks like Mae. Last week, she had a double ear-infection, so she was weighed at the doctor's office, only 14 lb! She's learning to sit - I think she's behind because of her little neck muscles, and she sleeps through the night only about 10% of the time. Completely different from her sisters, but a delightful baby nonetheless! Glad to see you're doing well!