Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Sleep Rollercoaster

As you may remember, before the Christmas holidays, Baxter slept through the night several nights in a row. Then we traveled and everything was off. We have been back for two weeks and things are still up and down. Two nights ago Baxter woke up at 3:40 am, which is early for him. Nathan and I both thought, "oh he'll go back to sleep." Twenty minutes of intense crying later, I rolled out of bed and fed him. It was a rough night. But then, last night, we put him to bed 15-30 minutes early, and he slept until 7:30 this morning! It is crazy! G was fairly similar in her "yo-yo" habits, but I pray this stage passes quickly.


Erin (moviemuse) said...

I always dreaded traveling for that very reason. It was always so hard to get back on track after. Hope he gets back to it soon!

Anonymous said...

My Lottie is still not consistently sleeping through the night! She had one really great week several months ago, and I get a solid night's rest about once a week, but that's it! I don't know when it will end! Now she's teething, so I'm just praying she sleeps through the night by the time she's a year old. Mae slept through the night unless we weren't at home from 14 or 15 weeks on, and Cora never looked back after 12 weeks. I don't know who this child is!