Friday, February 27, 2009

To all my friends about to have their first child...

.......nothing prepares you for your child to be sick. Nothing. No class, no advice, no years of working with kids, no medical training. Nothing prepares you for how sad your child will be when they don't feel good. Nothing prepares you for the extreme emotional highs and lows of a child who runs a fever. Nothing gets you ready to deal with a stomach so upset that you can't keep sheets or floors clean, or a fever so high your child shakes.

But when you feel inadequate, at your wits end, unable to help your child, remember we serve a God of grace and mercy, a God of healing and care, a God who equips us to handle things we never expect to handle, or even know how to handle. And for that, I am grateful. It is how I survive some really hard days.

1 comment:

Erin (moviemuse) said...

I have vivid memories of the first time Luke curled up into a fetal position on the couch and literally started moaning. I just about wigged out. {{{hugs}}} It's certainly no fun.