Thursday, March 19, 2009

Needed: Potty training advice and prayers!

Warning: the following post talks about poopy. If you can't handle it, stop here.

I am at my wits end. Georgia had been doing so well with potty-training, even getting to the point of telling us when she needed to go (previously we needed to take her to the toilet regularly for her to go). A couple of weeks ago, she was doing well with telling us that she needed to go to the toilet for pee-pee and poopy.

Then it seemed like she regressed. In the mornings, while Baxter naps, Georgia plays in her room for 30-45 minutes by herself. I normally get a shower during this time. Three days last week, during those 30-45 minutes, she pooped in her underwear. It seemed to 'hit her' right while I was getting out of the shower and I couldn't get to her in time. So this week I changed things some--instead of getting a shower during her play time, I stayed in my room and cleaned or read my Bible, so I could have easy access to get her to the toilet quickly. One day she didn't poop, one day we almost made it :-), and for the past two days she has pooped in her underwear RIGHT AFTER I have taken her to the toilet! Yesterday she said "Sit toilet" three different times, but did nothing when I took her to the bathroom. Then she pooped in her big girl panties. Today she asked to go to the bathroom, went pee-pee in the toilet, ran back to her room and before I could hardly get her door shut, she had pooped in her underwear. I don't know what to do. Oh, and it is only on the days that she plays by herself in her room that she poops during that time. It has never been that regular!

I guess I could restrict her quiet play time, and just hover over her watching for the signals, and that is probably what I need to do to reestablish a 'pooping in the toilet' pattern. But Georgia ENJOYS her play time in the room--she asks me to go take a shower so she can play--and I need for her to do that! I feel like it is good training, teaching her to play by herself and to know that the world does revolve around her. I realize so many moms have gone through this, and that we will survive, but it is rather frustrating right now. Please pray for me to have strength, patience and wisdom in dealing with Georgia. Pray that Nathan and I will know what steps we need to take to continue her training in this area! Thanks to all of you who read and commiserate with me:-)


Shannon Bradley said...

Luke did the EXACT same thing...

Room time = accident, always!!

This lasted for quite a while and I was so frustrated. I think for him, he was most relaxed during this time, resulting in the accident. Several times, I would put his little potty in his room while I would take a shower. It worked really well! He could get to it quickly and not a lot of distractions on the way. Sort of gross but it worked for us. It clicked with him eventually and we never have those sort of accidents anymore!!

My new rule for potty training, napping, transitions, etc.."Just do what I think is best, get advice, and WILL or they WILL work it out.

She will not be pooping in her pants when she is in junior high. I promise.

:) Hope this helps a bit, if not at least you know others are in the same boat!

Curt, Mariah, & Carli Badura said...

I'm struggling with the potty traing too. Please keep posting any advice / insights.


In Everything said...

My little man is doing the SAME thing... he always goes in his room where it's familiar he's comfortable and it's only him.

I wish I had words of wisdom:) But the DR said to offer immediate rewards and not to push #2 soo much that they get constipated... we had that with our oldest.

So I've been "checking" on him while he's in his room... not giving that alone time...LOL! And encouraging him to use the potty.

He's GREAT with #1 so I'm thinking with some motivation and me sitting on the potty during his "regular" times, we'll get this together soon:)

BTW... his 2 yr old sister will take off her diaper to do #1 and #2 on the potty (usually..LOL)... siblings can be soo different!