Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Snippets of the day

...Georgia and Baxter made their grand debut in Nathan's class today. The class thought they were cute, naturally, and Georgia played shy. That is, until the end, when I told her to say goodbye, and she waved to the class and said "Good-bye, peoples!" That got a laugh.

...Later, after we had run errands and were heading home, I told G that Daddy was waiting for us at the house. "No," she said "Daddy's not at the house. He's with the peoples!"

...I am attempting to drop one of Baxter's feedings today, and he has done great so far. He woke up from his nap happy, and played well for an hour. Then he started fussing, crawled over to me, and wanted to be held and snuggled. I am pretty sure he wanted to nurse, and I HATED not doing it! However, he is almost a year old, and he has been on the same schedule for months. It is time for a change. Pray for grace for both of us. I gave him some water and a banana (which he inhaled!) and he is fine now.


Erin (moviemuse) said...

"He's with the peoples!" LOL! Too funny. I hope dropping the feeding goes well. Luke dropped all of his, one at a time, all by himself, so I have nothing helpful to offer besides hugs and prayers.

Anonymous said...

About a week and a half ago, I stopped nursing Sam for his lunch feeding. It has been great but, I think I will stop there for awhile. Sam and I will be traveling to Mississippi at the end of the month and I don't want to be doing too much changing of schedules. I hope it goes well for you. I will see ya Thursday night, too!

Beth said...

'peoples' that is just too cute! haha!
Good luck with nursing, it can be so hard to try to cut out a feeding. I always had trouble with the before/after going to sleep feedings. I say follow his lead, and it will work out well :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog too, it is nice to catch up on some blogs I have been missing the time to read :)