Monday, December 13, 2010

37 weeks

The baby is now officially considered full-term, which means I could have the baby at any point and things *should* be okay...of course, I am not expecting to have the baby anytime soon, but it is nice to know we have reached another milestone. I am now going to the doctor's office once a week, which is just loads of fun during the Christmas season (HA!). Thankfully, my doctor's office allowed me to go ahead and book my appointments through the first of the year. I am praying that I don't make it to my last scheduled appointment, as that is after my due date.

I continue to have a wonderfully normal, boring pregnancy. At my previous visit, the doctor expressed some amazement that my chart was so small--most people (apparently) have some reason for additional notes, etc. Other than continuing to measure small, I have had no complications of any kind. [Well, sorry, I just learned today that I am positive for Group B Strep. That isn't a big deal; it just means I have to have antibiotics during labor. No worries!] If I had not had the extra ultrasound a few weeks ago, the doctors might be more concerned--I continue to measure small, and my weight gain is minimal (19 lbs according to their charts, but I think I have gained more). But I have the most recent ultrasound as proof that my baby is healthy and all is well!

We are all looking forward to the day when we meet our baby! Please be praying that these next couple of weeks are as uneventful as the holiday season can be :-) Below are a couple of pictures of me and the kids by the tree--it was a dreary day and it was hard to get the lighting right.

Date taken: December 12, 2010 (37+ weeks)

1 comment:

Cindy Lou said...

You look great, Leah! Glad to hear all is going well-- those kids just keep getting cuter!