Sunday, December 26, 2010

White Christmas/White Boxing Day*

It started snowing around 7 p.m. here in Wake Forest last night, so officially we DID have a White Christmas! It snowed through the night and is still falling as I type this (at 10:15 a.m. December 26). Mimi and Papa left our house earlier than planned yesterday to try to beat the approaching snow storm, and that was a wise decision given how much snow has fallen here. Though we have not attempted to measure it, we think we have over 6 inches of snow so far. So, as eager as I am for the baby to arrive, we are praying for the baby to wait until the roads clear :-)

These photos were taken at 9 a.m., December 26.

From our front porch:

Looking out at our backyard:

*Boxing Day occurs on December 26. Thanks to my good friend Jeni for pointing out that "White Boxing Day" doesn't sound as good as "White Christmas" :-)

1 comment:

Erin (moviemuse) said...

Goodness gracious! That is a ton of snow! Hang on, little Finnling, the world isn't quite ready for you yet. Wait for the snow to leave. :-)