Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Quick Takes--February 18, 2011

1. Nathan's brother and sister in law are in town this weekend and we are having a blast! Their little girl, Sophia, is seven months younger than Baxter and is 'finally' old enough to really participate in the kids' playtime. The weather has been gorgeous, and we are all enjoying spending time together.

2. My windows are open. Yay!

3. I ordered homeschool curriculum catalogs this week. Gulp! We intend to homeschool our children, but now that that time is approaching, it is a little scary. Georgia will be five in October, and her birthday is late enough that she doesn't 'qualify' for kindergarden for another year. We have not decided if we will try kindergarden this fall or just do's up for debate.

4. I love this blog. It regularly inspires me!

5. Have I mentioned that I am reading John Adams by David McCullough? I am greatly enjoying it--he was a fascinating man, and McCullough is a wonderful writer. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend the John Adams miniseries, by the way!

6. My sister-in-law and I hit up the Patsy Aiken outlet in Raleigh today, and I am very excited about the lavendar seersucker dress I bought for Georgia's Easter dress. I also bought fabric to make something for Eleanor as well. All of the clothes are adorable, and I am glad Anita could go with me to wander through there. I could drop a lot of money there!

7. Since I like to mention food, I must mention the Caramel Crumb Biscuit at Hardees. Super yummy, especially the caramel that sticks to the bottom of the biscuit and the box the biscuit is in:-)

Enjoy your weekend, my friends!


Leslie said...

The link for the blog you like doesn't work, now I'm even more curious what it is!

Kathleen said...

in the "for what it's worth" category---Hannah has an October birthday--she actually DID qualify to start at four, but we chose to wait. BEST DECISION WE EVER MADE FOR HER---there were times when she wasn't challenged---especially in the early grades, but what a difference a year makes when you send her off to school (or on a GAP year around the world!)We didn't want to sign our 17 year old over to the college of her choice until she turned 18. Homeschooling makes this easier, but I would encourage you to leave her in the SS classes and other classes for the grade "behind"---and keep her on track with that grade. I just think it's ALWAYS best to be the oldest in the class---even at first....long winded and opinionated---as usual---but I have had this experience and HAD to share---;D