Saturday, November 03, 2012

Halloween 2012

My kids love to dress up, but the chance to beg people for candy is a special privilege :-)

I wasn't sure about a costume for Eleanor, but we found this one for her. I left her pajamas on underneath to keep her warm--nothing like leopard print and an angel outfit (I called it a princess dress).

A couple of sweet students put together Halloween treats for the Finnlings, which the kids of course LOVED!

I took the Finnlings to Chick-Fil-A dressed in costume for free meals, and then we stopped by Nathan's class to pay a visit. This is Samantha, who gave the Halloween treat to the kids. They LOVE her! PS: Georgia is a princess, Baxter is a dragon, and Eleanor is a princess/angel :-)

Baxter wanted to be sure I got a picture of the dragon's face (but his is much cuter!)

Pictures before heading out with Daddy to hit up the neighborhood (notice Eleanor already pinching candy from our giveaway stash)

Say BOO!

I love these crazy kiddos. They were so excited for this night, as they had never been 'really' trick or treating before. Nathan took G and B to visit a few homes in the neighborhood while E stayed with me to eat our candy  pass out our candy.

Eleanor thought this was her own personal stash of candy!

She didn't even bother to unwrap some pieces!

Our next door neighbor, Connor the dinosaur, came to visit us. He and Eleanor shared candy...sort of! They love each other, for the most part, and had fun on Halloween night. Connor's little brother Reese was dressed as a monkey--is he not precious?

Our friends the Whitfields came to visit us that evening as well. Baxter's dragon costume was originally Drew's, and we appreciate him sharing it with us!

Date taken: October 31, 2012

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