Monday, February 02, 2015

Super Bowl 49 Preparations

To prepare for the Super Bowl, we had to decorate, 
get (and eat) good food, and practice throwing the football :-)

This balloon is the size of Eleanor.

 Brief aside: we found a great food truck parked in 
downtown Wake Forest on Saturday, and the food was delicious! 
Check out Amigosan Food Truck when you can.

Baxter's new found interest in watching football also means learning to toss the football. 
B looks for sunny days to play outside with his dad, and 
we enjoy watching them play.

My chocoholic son and I made chocolate-chocolate chip cookies 
for the big game. 

My fingernails happened to match my scarf which happened to match Seattle Seahawks colors.

My handsome, matching boys, working off some energy before SB49 starts!

Mexican Coca Cola is my fuel for the game:-)

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