Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Week 12 (Almost 13)

Please accept my apologies for the delay between posts. Yesterday I went to my doctor for my four week check up, so I have some things to report on the baby! (An aside for those reading this who don't understand--I have completed 12 weeks in the pregnancy, so I am actually in my "13th week"; but you don't say you are "13 weeks" until the week is completed. Clear as mud? GREAT!)

This was my first visit back since the big "ULTRASOUND" visit four weeks ago, and I understand that many of my visits will be just like this recent one. I was weighed, measured, and had my blood pressure and urine checked. For those who might be keeping score, due to a recent bout of all-day sickness, I have dropped a little weight, I am measuring right on target and and all of my checks--blood pressure, urine--turned out fine. Most importantly, Nathan and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat (Nathan was not with me--but I called and left it on his voicemail. He has played it for everyone!). Baby Finn's heartbeat was easy to find and was going strong. And yes, there was just one heartbeat. The doctor says Baby is measuring about 6 cm long right now, or, as he put it, the size of a small mouse. I think I prefer the food analogies.

It is impossible to believe we are three months into the pregnancy--October will come so quickly! We appreciate your prayers during this time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I am excited for you both.
Blessings, Nicky