Monday, May 15, 2006


*Nathan recently had a "First-Person" editorial published in Baptist Press. You can read that article here. Nathan is a wonderful writer (search Baptist Press for more of his First Person articles if you are interested), and I am always very proud to see his work be published.

*Classes are almost over for the semester, God be praised! Nathan's largest assignment this semester was a 25-30 page paper in his Martin Luther seminar, and he is turning it in this week. That means that SUMMER begins soon, and we have a lot of work to do before the baby comes!

*Speaking of the baby, I have reached 18 1/2 weeks. Notable milestones include feeling the baby move (Nathan calls it Kung-Fu Fighting, and he loves feeling the baby kick him) and going 10 days without being sick. Perhaps I am finally moving past the "weekend sickness" I have struggled with for so long (Lord, let it be so). Also, in just a few weeks, we hope to announce the sex of Baby Finn, so stay posted!

*Happy Mother's Day to our Moms, Patty and Linda, and all of our friends who are mothers (too many to name). We love you all!

*Speaking of moms, I get to visit my mom at the beach in a little over a week's time. I am super excited about it, even though it meant spending money on a real "Maternity" bathing suit. I finally found one, and it is super cute--but you will have to take my word for it, as I doubt I will ever post a picture of me in a bathing suit!

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