Thursday, May 04, 2006

Week 16/17

Nathan and I went to the doctor on Tuesday for my four week appointment. As of today, Thursday, I am finishing my seventeenth week of pregnancy (so tomorrow I can say "17 weeks"). Time has flown! Anyway, this doctor's appointment was amazingly easy. My blood pressure is excellent, my urine is clean, and though my weight gain is very minimal, I am gaining some weight and the doctor was okay with that. I am measuring fine, and Baby Finn's heartbeat was easy to find and strong (about 145 beats). The heartbeat falls right in range for the baby's development, maybe just a little closer to the slow end. The doctor said that some would say that would indicate a boy, but we just don't know.

Nathan tried to get Dr. Taylor to allow us to have our ultrasound, but she turned him down. They want to wait until our next four week appointment, when I will be further along in my pregnancy, and they will be able to take measurements and see how Baby Finn is progressing. It is easy to forget that this sonogram is just about finding out the gender of the baby--they do want to check other things too!

We were in and out of the doctor's office in no time, which gave us some free time to eat lunch at one of the best restaurants around-Five Guys Famous Burgers and Fries. We love my doctor's appointments, because we can always find a cool place to eat afterwards!

Other than my bouts with weekend sickness (I am sick only on the weekends, not during the week), which seem to continue even well into the second trimester, all is going well with the pregnancy. In just a few weeks we will know if Baby Finn is a boy or a girl. Forgive us for not posting the date of our ultrasound--we would rather it be a surprise announcement (but keep a lookout!). Until next time...

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