Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Leah and Karen

Karen and I met shortly after we moved here to Wake Forest two years ago. We have many things in common (both are Preacher's Kids) and many things not in common (Karen used to be quite the globe trotter-I have been "fixed" to the good ole USA for most of my life)--but the coolest thing we currently have in common is our pregnancies! Karen has been praying for almost two years that we would be pregnant at the same time, and three months after we learned we were expecting, Karen and her husband Matt learned they were expecting as well. Her due date is in early January, so we are 12 weeks apart. Just for fun, we took a picture of our "bellies" to reference later (I am at 26 weeks and Karen is at 14). Aren't we cute?

1 comment:

Alex & Laura Beth said...

Yes, you are very cute!