Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Long time between posts...

Please forgive the significant time lapse that has occurred between our most recent posts. Ever since our trip to Georgia, we have been very busy both at work, at home and with other responsibilities. I had hoped to have a few pictures to post for you, but I simply haven't had the opportunity to either take them or download them onto the computer. However, be on the lookout--hopefully within a week or so I will post updated pictures of my growing belly as well as a picture of our crib and maybe some other nursery items.

On the baby front, all is going well. I have moved into the "once every two weeks" doctor's visits stage, which means that I am much closer to my due date than seems possible (31+ weeks at this writing)! At my last appointment, everything was great--blood pressure, weight gain (it has picked up slightly!), measurements, etc. I am having a completely normal pregnancy, and for that Nathan and I praise the Lord.

Classes begin this week, which means a busy time for both Nathan and me. Nathan is taking a Ph.D. intensive seminar on teaching/pedagogy, and I am helping with faculty workshops and new student matriculation. God answered our unspoken prayer this past week by changing Nathan's class schedule around some this fall--it should prove beneficial both in his studies/Ph.D. work as well as in his "workload" this semester that his daughter will be born. He will be taking German, which will be a difficult course, and we appreciate your prayers for that!

My mom, sister and sister-in-law are all coming up next weekend for my baby shower. I am very excited that they will be here to celebrate this special time with me. I am also excited about the possibility of getting some much needed items for the nursery (I know that sounds greedy, but it is the honest truth). Check out our registry at Babies R Us, and for fun, look for Baby Finn's Wish list at (it is actually my wish list of books I would like for her to have--any suggestions would be welcome!).

I hope to post more pictures or other more interesting information in the near future, but thanks for reading anyway. Love to all!

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