Thursday, January 04, 2007

Georgia's Stats

Georgia went in for her two month doctor's appointment yesterday. She is actually closer to two and a half months old, but here are her statistics:

Height: 24 3/4 in (>97 % percentile)

Weight: 12 lbs. 2 oz (70 % percentile)

Verdict: We have a very healthy daughter!

The doctor was pleased with how healthy she is, how well nursing is going, and how she is sleeping at night (6-7 hours at a time on average). This was her first round of vaccinations, and Georgia was a trooper. She didn't like them, of course--5 different shots!--but other than a brief red-faced, all-out wail, she calmed quickly and the tears went away. She did not appear to suffer any ill effects yesterday from the shots, praise the Lord. Nathan and I continue to be grateful for God blessing us with such a wonderful little girl.

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