Our Georgia girl turned 6 months old last Saturday! Everyone says time flies, but that has become abundantly clear as I realize it has been six months since Georgia was born. Yet it seems just like yesterday that we found out we were pregnant-and those 9 months awaiting her birth seemed to creep by slower than anything. Our long awaited baby is now half a year old!
Georgia had her 6 month doctor's appointment today, and again we learned that she continues to be extremely healthy and 'growing like a weed'. Here are her stats:
Height/Length: 27 1/4 inches (95 percentile)
Weight: 17 lbs. 2.4 oz. (75 percentile)
Head Circumference: 43.2 cm (75 percentile)
She is very long for her age, but the doctor assured us that she will not tower over her average height parents one day! She should slow down her growth by age 2. We were also assured by the doctor that she is well proportioned in her height and weight. If you have read my blog for very long, you will notice that Georgia is continuing on the trend she set from a very early age--she is 'tall', but 'roly-poly':-)
Georgia has been sleeping through the night for 3 weeks. I have hesitated to post about it for fear that it might not last, but we feel like we have turned a corner with her sleep habits. She eats five times a day and has not yet started baby food, but we will be introducing that within the next few days (I promise to post pictures). Georgia finds new things and new sounds every day. She can make babbling noises that sometimes sound like real words--Nathan is working very hard to get her to say 'dada', but she does not seem to know what 'dada' means. She loves to slap things, rub textured fabric like our sofa or touch things with her hands--she is very tactile! Georgia also really enjoys her toy links--she shakes them and bangs them and grabs them with her fingers and even her toes! It is so much fun to watch her explore her world every day. We praise the Lord for blessing us with her.
1 comment:
happy half b-day to Georgia. She has this almost serious look on her face - is she going to be a college prof too?
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