Saturday, July 26, 2008

A productive Saturday

On some Saturdays, I feel like I get nothing accomplished. But today I did! This Saturday, July 26, I
*baked a (somewhat) healthy version of banana bread
*made 4 batches of lasagna (3 small, 1 large)
*seasoned and buttered french bread to go with lasagna
*sewed 50% of a new nursing cover in the cutest fabric
*ran the dishwasher
*unloaded the dishwasher--that's a big deal!
*napped briefly
*folded laundry

Though that is a nice list of 'things I accomplished this Saturday', here are the more important things. I
*walked around the neighborhood with my daughter (my exercise:-)
*played on the porch with my daughter and husband
*baked banana bread with Georgia's supervision
*read Sugar Snow, and Going West (from the My First Little House series) to Georgia
*listened to my daughter giggle uncontrollably as she played with her daddy
*sang songs to my daughter
*wrestled on the floor with Georgia
*played with my daughter and husband on the 'night-night'
*studied the Sunday School lesson for tomorrow on Acts 9:10-19a, "Saul, An Instrument of God." While studying the lesson, I was convicted that Saul and Ananias were both instruments of God's plan, though in very different ways, and that each of us believers should desire to be used of God daily.

It is my prayer that I might be an instrument of God's purpose every day, even in the little, seemingly insignificant things that I do. May you each have a wonderful Lord's Day!

1 comment:

kd said...

you are always an instrument, and example, and an encouragement. thank you