Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Quick Takes

I saw this idea on a blog I read, Making Home, and thought I would use it, at least today :-) Following are just random thoughts and observations. I will resume with pictures soon!

1. After reading this book, I was inspired to actually finish a quilt. I made this playmat and decided to make a duplicate of it but *really* quilt it. However, I have been thwarted in my attempt--I don't have enough batting in the house for the quilt, and I cannot for the life of me find my quilting safety pins (pins with a 'crook' specifically for quilting). Sigh.

2. I have felt rather tired and 'blah' the past few days. I don't know if it is pregnancy related, but I hope that it passes soon! My goal is try over the next several days to eat properly, drink lots of water, take my vitamins and get some exercise and see if that helps any.

3. My husband is cool enough to have a fake Twitter account (@fakefinn). Props to whoever created it!

4. My favorite snack right now is Annie's Bunny Graham Friends. Baxter and I frequently share this snack when he wakes up before his sister from his nap.

5. Speaking of Baxter waking up, he often wakes up before his sister in the afternoon. It seems strange that an almost 2 year old needs less sleep than an almost four year old does. I am not certain that Baxter requires less sleep as much as he just doesn't sleep well. At least we have fun with our snacks.

6. I find myself greatly disappointed with children's books. Georgia loves Pinkalicious, so we bought the 'sequel', Purplicious, and I do not like it at all. Purplicious is completely over her head, and focuses on girls making fun of other girls--something G does not know about yet, and for that I am glad. I think I have to look for older books to satisfy me:-)

7. I killed a fly in my kitchen earlier this evening. That made me happy. Then I realized there was another one in the house. They are like the Sith--always two there are.

1 comment:

Deana K said...

Hey Leah! You should check out this book blog:
I'm friends with the author's mom. I think you'll really like it!
And... I can't wait to share snack time with Elliott :) Sounds fun and yummy!