Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rocking chair romance, eleven years later

Eleven years ago exactly (if my memory serves me correctly, I could be off by a day or two), Nathan and I met at Brewton-Parker College. Though we had been introduced briefly, we connected over dinner at the cafeteria the first night of classes. He winked at me from across the room--yes, he was a bold fellow!--and a few minutes later I sat down at his table. I swear that I was startled by his wink, didn't intend to sit by him, and was, in fact, alarmed that I ended up at his table. He declares that I was immediately charmed by him and his wink and had to sit with him. The entire table had great conversations that night, and Nathan and I ended up eating lunch together the next day. Then I walked him to his next class (because it was near my dorm), and the rest was history. It did not take long for either of us to know that we had met the person we were to marry! Eight months later, we were engaged (April 2000) and eight months after that, we were married (January 2001). I am so grateful that the Lord led us to each other eleven years ago, and I look forward to many more years with my wonderful husband!


Nathan said...

Hey, I remember those rocking chairs.

Cindy said...

I just stumbled upon your blog while blog-surfing and realized upon reading that we went to the same college! Never expected that!! I graduated from BPC in '01. :-)
