Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Clothes Organization (please help!)

Okay, I have put this off for ages, and I am now finally getting around to going through the kids' clothes, giving things away, and putting outgrown items in storage as well. But I have a dilemma--space! Georgia and Baxter share a room, a five drawer dresser, and a good sized wardrobe. I have a wonderful and gracious friend who has handed down LOTS of her son's clothing in 24 month/2T, and we could not be more thankful. However, I am not sure where to put everything. Baxter is now big enough that he will wear the same size in different seasons, which was not the case in the past (i.e., his 12 month clothes were mostly winter, his 18 month clothes were summer, etc). So, do I take out the 2T clothing for fall/winter, and stash away the 2T clothes for warmer seasons? But it is still warm, so do I just keep out everything right now? I really don't have room for all of that! Georgia does not have as many clothes, so it is not as much of an issue for her, but I am still dealing with how to best optimize space. I think I need to use the wardrobe more, but I am not sure if that means I should buy hanging shelves (like this), or a plastic drawer or two to sit on the bottom of the wardrobe. Or do I need to bite the bullet and buy another dresser? Or buy two small dressers, and use the large 5 drawer for the new baby? (not that the new baby will need that much space either)

How do you organize your children's clothing? What do you do with out of season clothing, if you are blessed to have them? Do any of your children share dressers or closet space? I would love your thoughts!!


Pam said...

Zachary gets the closet and EVERYTHING is hung up (both seasons--all 2T). Katelyn has her dresses hung in the closet (with Zachary's stuff) and EVERYTHING else is folded in the dresser (short and long sleeves in seperate drawers). We bought a small rubbermaid with drawers for the bottom of the closet for Z's socks, undies, etc.

Hope that helps!

Kathleen said...

Do you have under the bed storage space? We keep under the bed boxes and keep our out of season clothes there. If I have clothes that don't fit them yet, I keep them in the attic---we have a walk in attic, so it's not such a hassle to get there. A lot of Joshua's clothes are on hangers, too. ALL of our beds have boxes underneath them and it really saves space---hth!