Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Coins for Annie

A few months ago, I blogged about cultivating generous, missional children.

One of our action steps was to designate a change jar for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. We had a lot of fun watching the jar fill up, and collecting coins and dollar bills as much as we could. The Saturday before Easter, we dumped the money out on the table and counted it all up! We added the amount with collected to our 'usual' Annie Armstrong donation and mailed a check to our home church, First Baptist Durham.

I am not trying to brag on our generousness, but may God receive all the glory and fame--we were able to almost double our donation to North American Missions through this change jar. 

Now, onto collecting for Lottie. It's further away, so we have taken on the challenge of filling the jar TWICE. Wouldn't that be awesome!

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