Saturday, September 27, 2014

Attack of the Giant Winged Thing

Each fall, there is a cookout for new students that faculty are encouraged to attend. We eat outside, hang out with students and friends, and have a good time.

This year, Moe's catered the event. 
It was exciting because the Finnlings like tacos, so I thought they might eat it for once.
The folks serving us got a little carried away with my helping of sour cream and guacamole.
As in, my plate was swimming with sour cream and guac.
I love both, but it was a little much...
which was confirmed when a giant winged creature landed on my plate
and couldn't. move. off. 
A BUG got stuck in the goop on my plate, people!
It was disgusting.

So of course I took a picture (click below to enlarge)

Then I had to show it off, naturally (Nathan had killed the bug by this time, though I think it was mostly suffocation by sour cream).
BQ2 decided it looked like extra protein!
The things we do for funny pictures :-)

Memories. Good times. Tacos and bugs. Sounds perfect, right?

Date taken: August 15, 2014

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