Wednesday, September 03, 2014

First day of Clapham Academy, 2014-2015

August 18 was our first day of school for Clapham Academy. It was also the same day that SEBTS students returned to classes--it is a lot of fun for Daddy's first day of class to be the same as the Finnlings' first day.

Since my kids do not go to public school, we do not HAVE to have backpacks or school supplies...
but who doesn't love school supplies?
Each kid (minus Fuller) received a 'school kit' with some fun items like new crayons, tape, and scissors

I attempted to make pancakes in the shape of their grades.
That's 2nd grade, Kindergarten and Preschool...
sort of :-)

Obligatory pictures--the kids wanted to hold our sign!
My favorite part of the picture below: Baxter has stashed his weapon for quick use after the picture:-)

My two school aged kiddos:

My big girl is a second grader!

The crazy one is in Kindergarten

Showing his ninja skills and making a "K" with his body

The preschooler

Every school needs a mascot! 

Because we are trying to sell our house, the plan is to homeschool out of this--keep everything I need in here so we can pick it up quickly. We shall see if this works...

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