Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Get up and get dressed week long challenge


Last May, I was convicted that though I asked my children to get dressed every day, I did not always do the same. It was super easy for me to stay in my pajamas all day without makeup on, because if we didn't go anywhere, what did it matter?

So for one week, I had a "Get Up and Get Dressed Challenge"
I would get dressed in something other than pajamas every day
I would fix my hair and put on at least a little bit of makeup
I would post my picture on Instagram to hold myself accountable

I didn't always get 'fixed up' first thing in the morning--
the first picture below didn't happen until late morning--
but for one week straight it happened!


I felt more productive! 
(I hashtagged my photos: #getupgetdressed and #lookandfeelproductive)
What do you know? :-)

This was almost a year ago, and I have to say, 
I have not continued this pattern well.
Here is to hoping that this post will re-inspire me.
Getting out of comfy pajamas is especially hard during the winter,
but I have done this before and I can do it again.
Casual days are fine, fancy clothes don't have to be worn,
but my day feels more productive if I look like I've made an effort.

Here's to #lookandfeelproductive this winter!!

Date taken: May 2014

1 comment:

Erin (moviemuse) said...

One of the early recommendations I read for working at home was to get up, get dressed, and put your shoes on, just like you would if you were going to work. Now you didn't have to wear "work clothes," but the idea was to be fully dressed, shoes included (even just house shoes for those who don't wear "outside shoes" in the house). Since I take L to the bus, I'm up and dressed pretty much every day anyway, but it was an interesting thought.