Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Nathan and I had another doctor's appointment yesterday morning. For the first time in weeks, the appointment was a little different--they hooked me up to a monitor to check Georgia's heart rate and my contractions. Her heartrate did wonderfully (she is SUCH a healthy little girl) and my contractions did nothing...after 20 minutes on the monitor, the biggest 'blip' I had was when my doctor touched my stomach with her cold hands...and that did not count as a contraction! My status is the same as it has been for several weeks, a little dilated and a little effaced, but not nearly "enough." I have been scheduled to be induced on Monday, October 23. Nathan and I will actually check into the hospital on Sunday night for some preparatory things, and they will begin the actual inducing on Monday morning. Being induced is really not my first choice, but as each day goes by with no contractions, we grow more anxious to see Georgia. Please pray in a two-fold manner for us this week: 1) that we will be at peace about the inducement, and that the inducement would go well; but 2) that if it is God's will, that Georgia would come on her own before Sunday/Monday. Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement! If nothing else, we should have Georgia girl by this time next week, Lord willing!


Sperdutofamily said...

I really am praying for you that Georgia comes on her own. I will also get my Mom praying for you and everyone she knows!!! I miss you a ton. I hope things start progressing soon. Very soon!
Love you guys!

Sperdutofamily said...

I really am praying for you that Georgia comes on her own. I will also get my Mom praying for you and everyone she knows!!! I miss you a ton. I hope things start progressing soon. Very soon!
Love you guys!

Erin (moviemuse) said...

Hmm... it's been over a week. Hope that means you have a baby by now!!