Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Mimi (photo shoot)

My friend Karen had this brilliant idea for taking pictures of our kids with letters that spell out cute messages. Since her son also has a grandparent named Mimi, we took Georgia over for a photo shoot for Mimi's birthday. The pictures below show some of the fun we had, though I cannot get the beautiful final product that Karen designed to load properly. Trust me, it was worth it, and I think Nathan's mom likes it! Happy Birthday Mimi, Mother Finn, Mom!

"Look, fun with letters!"

"Would this heart make a good frisbee?"

"Strike a pose!"

"Mommy, don't try to kiss me!"

"Mimi, this is how much I miss you!"


The Lytle Family said...

Hey! I'll try sending you the collage in a smaller format - maybe that will work so that you can show off your pretty girl! I love all the pics, and I'm glad you got a chance to post the adorable one of the two of you. I love it!

Lindsey said...

that is TOO Cute! Please promise me you will save me those letters :) I have a MIMI too!!!!