Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Your input requested: cell phone vs. home (land) phone?

Okay, blog readers out there, I am seeking your input. Our cell phone contract is desperate need of updating (we share 400 minutes--the plan does not exist anymore, and hasn't existed in years!), and we are trying to make some hard decisions. Currently we bundle our home (land line) phone and DSL internet and use rabbit ears for our television. In addition to phone changes, we will have to make some changes with the switch to digital television in February.

Should we drop our home phone completely and increase our cell phone minutes substantially? What do you do? If you only use your cell phone, what plan do you use? How many minutes do you have? and do you like having only a cell phone? I am old-fashioned enough to not want everyone to able to get in touch with me all the time--hence, the home line:-) On a similar note, should we try to bundle our internet/home phone/cable together? Thanks for your input!


Ronnica said...

When we moved in May, we dropped the home phone. We never answered it anyway since we didn't have caller ID. It's great, but I don't know that I'd be okay with that if I had kid(s) as you do. If you have a babysitter over, you'd want a home phone in case of emergency. I know on several occasions when I go babysit my cell phone died, so we babysitters can't be trusted to have phone service. =)

I have a 450 minute plan, but don't talk a whole lot so I don't use it all. I do text a lot though, so I need to increase those!

I also use rabbit ears, and got the converter boxes just a few weeks ago. I LOVE my over-the-air signal now as it is very clear, and I get more channels (like news and weather whenever I want). The great thing is that each box was $10/piece after the rebate thingy.

The Baker Family said...

It's funny--Doug and I just had the same conversation about our internet/phone/cable lines! He told me to do whatever I want, and I'm not sure. When I was single I didn't have a land line, but I have one now. The big plus for me is that I can hear the phone ring no matter what floor of the house I'm on--I would have to carry my cell phone around with me if I didn't want to miss any calls. If we lived in a one-level house, I would definitely drop the land line.

By the way, very nice sewing! You should set up an Etsy shop!

Erica said...

We have cell phones only. Jeremy gets his through work, and I have unlimited calling through suncom. If suncom is in your area they have a pretty good deal for $30/mo. right now. And I think you can usually add a line for $10 so it ends up not being much more than we were paying for a land line anyway.

Since jeremy and I both have phones, we can leave one for the babysitter if they don't have one--but most have their own.

Miranda said...

Personally its just a great safety factor with the cell phone b/c if something happens or I get lost or the car acts up I can always call Paul or my sister in a bind. We pay $90 a month and have a TON of minutes which we share, we initially did that b/c we had no house phone but since getting a house phone I don't use hardly any of those anymore so we will downgrade soon...but I would get a cheap, basic cell phone plan or prepaid mins so that you can be safe when your out (an esp since your preggers!) :) Hope you guys are doing great.

Anonymous said...

This is Stephanie from the Keathley dinner a couple of months ago. I found your blog via Prayer of Hannah. Travis and I share one phone (basically) and it totally works for us. He has the phone with him mostly and we have 400 minutes through Verizon. We never go over our minutes since most of the time we are talking to friends and family who are Verizon customers. I do have a tracfone (one of those pay as you go phones) and I subscribe for $10 a month to get 50 minutes. I don't use it very often either and have actually accumulated 130 minutes! HA! It works great for when I am out and about and need to contact Travis or my mom. We have a home phone that is just the cheapo deapo phone and it totally works for us.

Also, we had cable when we first moved here and then dropped it when finalizing our budget to live on just Travis' income. We have the digital over-the-air signal (or whatever the new rabbit ears stuff is called) and it is AWESOME! We get 4 PBS channels and one of them is strictly children shows- I am already addicted and Sam isn't even born yet! HA! We actually get more channels than we would if we subscribed to the cheap cable (which is what we had been subscribed to.)

Anyway, for what it is worth, that is my 2 cents worth. HA!


Anonymous said...

I got your comment on my blog. With regards to the Happy Heinys- my plan is to use them full-time. There are a on of features that I like about them (one is the fleece lining so #2 doesn't stick and doesn't require an additional liner unless using diaper rash cream) and I got the one-size dipes so they will fit until about 35 pounds. I do have some pre-folds but no covers yet- still contemplating this one. I think I will prob. get a couple of covers so I can use them in case he isn't big enough to immediately start wearing the others. I can also stuff the prefolds in the HHs. Travis REALLY likes them and made the comment that he wished they made them in adult size because they look and feel like they would be SUPER COMFY.

Hey, are you going on the faculty retreat in Aug? Travis has told them that we both would go- I will be 34 weeks and I am still trying to decide if that will be feasible.

Anonymous said...

Hey Leah, this is Julia Duke, formerly from Macon.

Hope all is well.

On the cell phone issue, that is all we have at home. The only problem I have found with the cell phone is that I have to remember to take it from room to room. If you belt it to yourself, it's easy to do.

I have throughly enjoyed the savings portion of not having a land line.

Your comment about privacy, if I don't recognize the phone number, I just ignore it and let it go to voice mail.

Hope this helps.

Congratulations on the baby boy!

HUGS from Texas